Care for our Planet Save Mother Earth Subscribe to UPOU COOL 101! And Be Aware
Released on: September 14, 2008, 7:18 am
Press Release Author: Elsbeth Lara Santos/UPOU COOL 101
Industry: Environment
Press Release Summary: Let Us Unite in Caring for our Planet. Visit UPOU COOL 101 and Learn How You Can Contribute
Press Release Body: Setup by a group of Master of Development Communication students (DEVC208 Class) from the University of the Philippines Open University, COOL101 [] is a YouTube Channel designed to support the international community and/or individuals, organizations and commercial entities in increasing public understanding of the overwhelming effects of the global climate crisis.
The videos presented on COOL101 Channel provide viewers the fundamental information on Global Warming --- what it is, how does it affects the humanity, and how an individual can help fight its challenges.
Get involved! Read more about this global climate crisis on COOL101 Blog
COOL101 Blog seeks to help in increasing a fundamental understanding of Global Warming – how it started, how it affects the humanity and the environment and how each individual can actively participate in resolving the issue.
The campaign further aims to motivate young people to contribute in their own way in “cooling down” our planet. On this blog, you will find articles, suggested readings and promotional kit that would help you and your friends understand the basics of Global Warming.
Together we could help save our planet. Spread the COOL101 message.
Web Site:
Contact Details: University of the Philippines Open University Los Banos, Laguna Philippines
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